3 December 2021 Ahead of an emergency Cabinet meeting on COVID-19, and following new advice from NPHET and new legislation rushed through the Dáil, ICCL sent a briefing to all Oireachtas members. In it we raise four primary concerns with …
ICCL writes to Minister for Health regarding the Covid vaccination/recovery certificate system
22 October 2021 ICCL has written to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly reiterating our firm opposition to the idea of a domesticvaccine passport system. We have been opposed to the system since March and our position remains the same: the …
Serious questions about proposal for extending and expanding Covid Pass system: ICCL
19 October 2021 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has said the Government’s proposals to extend and expand the Covid Pass system give rise to serious human rights and equality concerns. The organisation says government needs to make several …
ICCL calls for vaccine pass law to be scrapped
13 July 2021 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) says the new law introducing a vaccine pass system for indoor settings is discriminatory and should be scrapped. We have contacted Ireland’s elected representatives asking them to oppose it. Executive …
Human Rights and Equality Law Cannot be Dismissed in Rush to Open Hospitality
9 July 2021 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) is strongly opposed to the Government proposal to rush through emergency legislation – which would run roughshod over equality, data protection and privacy law – to reconcile its previous timetable …
ICCL says vaccine passports contrary to equality law
2 July 2021 Government has said it intends to bring in a system whereby only people who have been vaccinated will have access to certain indoor settings. ICCL has serious concerns about such a system and the impact it would …
Reopening must happen on equal footing for all, not just vaccinated
29 June 21 Equality cannot be abandoned during emergencies, according to the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL). The organisation was responding to suggestions that indoor dining may be reopened for vaccinated people only. ICCL’s Executive Director Liam Herrick said: …
Call for government to ban vaccine passports within Ireland
18 March 2021 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has written to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, calling on him to consider rights before supporting the plan to bring in vaccine certificates for travel across the EU. …