The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) welcomes the outcome of today’s plenary vote in the European Parliament on the EU’s draft Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. The vote establishes the Parliament’s position on the Act ahead of negotiations with the Council of the EU and the European Commission.
Assessment of PSC facial recognition software reveals Department of Social Protection has known its biometric processing arising from the PSC is illegal
Department of Social Protection DPIA reveals it has known that its biometric processing of personal data arising from the PSC project is illegal.
European Parliament strengthens protection of citizens’ fundamental rights in AI Act vote
The draft legislation recognises the significant risks posed by facial recognition technology
ICCL and DRI welcome Justice Committee’s concerns about proposed EU law which could lead to mass surveillance of private messages and emails
The proposed EU law could mandate the monitoring of virtually all public and private digital communications
An Garda Síochána unlawfully retains files on innocent people who it has already cleared of producing or sharing of child sex abuse material
Data of people posting innocuous images or videos, such as children playing on a beach, unlawfully kept in a net of surveillance and suspicion with no cause
ICCL reveals that the An Post & OSI company “GeoDirectory” uses Census data to profile every Irish home, for sale to data brokers and insurance companies. ICCL has lodged a complaint with the DPC
The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) reveals that An Post & OSI use Census data to profile every Irish home and sell ‘location intelligence’ to data brokers and insurance companies. ICCL has lodged a complaint with the DPC.