Given the special sensitivities of the DPC’s supervision of public bodies and major tech firms, it is especially important that the Public Appointments Service and Top Level Appointments Committee make special arrangements to ensure that there is no conflict or perceived conflict of interest in relation to any entity that might be regulated by the DPC.
ICCL highlights concerns over proposed Garda use of Facial Recognition Technology
25 November 2022 On 23 November 2022 ICCL signed a joint letter to Minister for Jusitce, Helen McEntee TD, outlining our concerns over the government’s ongoing plans to legislate for and deploy policing facial recognition technologies (FRT).
Two years of DPC inaction on the ongoing RTB data breach: Irish people with AIDS profiled, and Polish elections influenced.
Irish Data Protection Commission inaction on the RTB privacy crisis means Irish people with AIDS were profiled, Polish elections were influenced, and the biggest data breach in history continues.