Lessons of EU’s Big Tech enforcement failure shared with Australian Senate inquiry by ICCL
Unsealed court documents reveal data anarchy at Meta
ICCL letter to European Commission highlights new material about Meta’s internal data systems, and how Meta infringes the DMA & GDPR.
Remarks on €405 million fine imposed on Instagram
It is clear from other data protection authorities examination of the DPC’s work that there are problems, but the DPC has succeeded in forcing Instagram to fix a problem that had exposed children to risk for years. We applaud it for doing so.
Questions about Facebook’s acquisition of Kustomer
We have written to Facebook ‘s Chief Privacy Officer, Michel Protti, to ask what FB will do with the data it gains when it acquires health & education chatbot company “Kustomer”.Facebook is acquiring a company called Kustomer. We fear that …
EU Civil Liberties Committee calls on Commission to begin infringement proceedings against Ireland over data rights
4 February 2021 The EU’s Parliamentary Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), composed of over 50 MEPs, has prepared a hard-hitting motion against the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC), calling on the European Commission to launch an …