4 June 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), in advance of an expected government announcement on moving into phase two of reopening the country, has said that emergency garda powers are now inappropriate, unworkable, and must be ended. …
ICCL writes to Covid committee ahead of travel regulations discussion
29 May 2020 Dear Ms Fallon,Many thanks for your letter. We are conscious that the Committee is considering matters concerning Travel Restrictions on Tuesday 2 June, therefore I attach herewith two documents, which I would be grateful if you might …
ICCL calls for end to police powers and surveillance in phase two
27 May 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has said it is time for the government to trust the people of Ireland to maintain social distancing and self-isolate where necessary in order to protect others from COVID19. The …
ICCL writes to Oireachtas Covid19 Committee
18 May 2020 Dear Members of the Special Committee,Further to our email to the Committee on 10 May, ICCL had strongly urged the Minister for Health to carry out a human rights impact assessment ahead of any new or extended …
State risking human rights obligations, should return to policing by consent
13 May 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties has said the State must more clearly demonstrate that it is taking into account its human rights obligations in its response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Under the Irish Constitution, the European …
ICCL writes to Oireachtas Commitee on COVID-19
10 May 2020 (via email) Dear Deputy, On behalf of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), I would like to congratulate you on your appointment to the Special Committee on Covid-19 Response. We welcome the establishment of this Committee …
Call to include physically distant protest as a reasonable excuse to leave home
23 April 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has said that the government should review the decision to exclude protest from the list of reasonable excuses to leave home during the pandemic. The call comes as discrepancies arose …
Organisations call for Human Rights Impact Assessment to inform state review of COVID19 response
23 April 2020 A number of organisations representing or concerned with communities who have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have written to the Taoiseach appealing for a human rights impact assessment to be carried out by 5 May. …
Any extension of garda powers must undergo human rights vetting process
10 April 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has said any new extension of the extraordinary powers for gardaí should be accompanied by a clear outline of their continued necessity from medical experts, as well as a human …