FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/ Call for Government to invest 0.01% of Budget in Human Rights 5 September 2022 As the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) launches our pre-budget submission, we are calling on the government to ring-fence €8.6 million …
ICCL submission on the Electoral Reform Bill to the European Commission
August 2022 We have written to the European Commission to express our strong reservations with respect to the passage of the Electoral Reform Bill (2022) in its current form. If passed it could have an impact on the free expression …
Coalition for Civil Society Freedom submission on the Electoral Reform Bill
May 2022 ICCL is the coordinator of the Coalition for Civil Society Freedom, a coalition of 5 organisations working for the benefit of everyone in Ireland. In the Coalition’s submission to the Oireachtas on the Electoral Reform Bill, we highlight …
ICCL submission on the Electoral Reform Bill
May 2022 ICCL voiced our concern that the continuing undemocratic restrictions on freedom ofassociation contained in the 1997 Electoral Act which will be further encoded into law in the Electoral Reform Bill. Our submission supplements those made by the Coalition …
Call for Government to invest 0.01% of Budget in Human Rights
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/ Call for Government to invest 0.01% of Budget in Human Rights 7 October 2021 As the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) launches our first ever pre-budget submission, we are calling on the government to ring-fence …