ICCL is conducting a human rights analysis of the commitments outlined in the draft Programme for Government.
ICCL Expresses Disappointment at Lack of Investment in Human Rights Infrastructure in Budget
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/ 28 September 2022 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties has expressed disappointment that the government has chosen not to invest in areas identified by ICCL that would help protect and guarantee human rights in its Budget 2023. …
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/ Call for Government to invest 0.01% of Budget in Human Rights 5 September 2022 As the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) launches our pre-budget submission, we are calling on the government to ring-fence €8.6 million …
Rights group to tell Oireachtas Committee grieving families are failed by coroner system
30 May 2022 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) is set to tell the Oireachtas Justice Committee that the coroner system is in need of root-and-branch reform. The Committee is examining the issue on Tuesday. ICCL will say that …
ICCL report on the coroners system
“If you think this system is capable of finding out what happened to your relative because it is a really good system and you can put your faith in it? Think again.” ICCL, with Professor Phil Scraton and Gillian McNaull, …
Rights News 2021: 45 years of the human rights movement in Ireland
14 January 2022 As Ireland grapples with the challenges posed by a global pandemic and government responses to that, we bring you an update on ICCL’s work since February 2021. Not only that, we celebrate 45 years since ICCL was …
Call for Government to invest 0.01% of Budget in Human Rights
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/ Call for Government to invest 0.01% of Budget in Human Rights 7 October 2021 As the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) launches our first ever pre-budget submission, we are calling on the government to ring-fence …
Hillsborough researcher says Ireland’s coroner system is failing families
21 April 2021 The system of investigating deaths in contested or unexplained circumstances in Ireland has been described as “not fit for purpose” by Queen’s University’s Professor Phil Scraton, who headed the research for the Hillsborough Independent Panel. Speaking at …