24 March 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has said that new restrictions on non-essential services and outside gatherings announced today by government clearly impact our rights but human rights law allows for such restrictions when proportionate to …
ICCL briefing on emergency COVID-19 legislation
PDF version here ICCL supports the need for extraordinary governmental measures in these extraordinary times. However, we all need to be assured that when the emergency has passed this legislation, which foresees a significant interference with our rights, will also …
COVID-19 emergency powers: we’ve got this.
Emergency measures may be necessary. But government needs to demonstrate that necessity and it needs to show every restriction is proportionate to the risk posed by the pandemic. Add your voice to the call for a human rights impact assessment …
ICCL says emergency legislation must include sunset clause
17 March 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties has said it is imperative that any emergency legislation introduced to curb the spread of COVID-19 should be time-limited, or include a sunset clause which stipulates that once this emergency is …
DRI & ICCL call for suspension of PSC requirement during COVID-19
DRI and ICCL call for suspension of PSC requirement for jobseekers during COVID-19
ICCL calls for rights-based response to protect most vulnerable during COVID-19
The Irish Council for Civil Liberties says a rights-based response will protect all of us from COVID-19