The human rights impact of Ireland’s reseponse to Covid-19 should be included in any review of the pandemic, ICCL has told Government.
ICCL sends briefing on new legislation to Oireachtas
3 December 2021 Ahead of an emergency Cabinet meeting on COVID-19, and following new advice from NPHET and new legislation rushed through the Dáil, ICCL sent a briefing to all Oireachtas members. In it we raise four primary concerns with …
ICCL statement on proposals to introduce new fines for drinking in public
17 November 2020 There has been an impassioned response to video footage of people drinking in public as the country lives under level 5 restrictions. That response includes a proposal to introduce an €80 fine for offenders. ICCL is opposed …
ICCL opposes attempt to steamroll emergency legislation through Dáil
20 October 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has written to all TDs to urge them to oppose the extension of the Emergency Health Legislation without substantial review and debate on Thursday of this week. The legislation, fast …
ICCL calls on government not to reintroduce garda powers
18 August 2020 ICCL does not support the reintroduction of expanded powers of enforcement for An Garda Síochána or the use of criminal penalties. We reiterate our position that public health advice should be consent and education-based. It should not …
Experts Issue Pre-Release Report Card on the HSE Covid-19 Tracker App
02 July 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) and Digital Rights Ireland (DRI) have issued a report card evaluating the Covid-19 tracker app prior to its launch. They issue this report card in reference to the principled framework …
ICCL and DRI raise questions on efficacy of HSE contact-tracing app
26 June 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) and Digital Rights Ireland (DRI) welcome the Health Service Executive (HSE) release today of the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and source code of the Covid-19 tracker app. Elizabeth Farries, …
Garda COVID powers are unworkable and must be ended
4 June 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), in advance of an expected government announcement on moving into phase two of reopening the country, has said that emergency garda powers are now inappropriate, unworkable, and must be ended. …
Data protection experts publish human rights principles for contact-tracing app
3 June 2020 The Irish Council for Civil Liberties, together with Digital Rights Ireland, academics, and data protection experts, have today published a principled framework for the development of a contact-tracing app to curb the spread of COVID-19. The document …
ICCL writes to Covid committee ahead of travel regulations discussion
29 May 2020 Dear Ms Fallon,Many thanks for your letter. We are conscious that the Committee is considering matters concerning Travel Restrictions on Tuesday 2 June, therefore I attach herewith two documents, which I would be grateful if you might …