New US Senate Bill may stop Ireland processing US data, unless Ireland acts on GDPR enforcement

Ireland’s digital sector threatened by a proposed requirement that data protection law must be properly enforced. This afternoon United States Senator Ron Wyden has proposed a new Bill to impose export controls on personal data about people in the US to …

Questions about Facebook’s acquisition of Kustomer

We have written to Facebook ‘s Chief Privacy Officer, Michel Protti, to ask what FB will do with the data it gains when it acquires health & education chatbot company “Kustomer”.Facebook is acquiring a company called Kustomer. We fear that …

ICCL alerts Irish Government of strategic economic risk from failure to uphold the GDPR

This note makes public a letter to the Irish Government describing how Ireland is being sidestepped as a regulatory center. EU Member States are sidestepping Ireland to enforce the GDPR. This threatens Ireland’s position in the global digital economy. It also …

Digital Markets Act may create dangerous loopholes for Big Tech data use

ICCL writes to the European Parliament and to the European Commission to highlight loopholes in the proposed Digital Markets Act. On 15 December 2020 the European Commission published a proposal for a Digital Markets Act, intended to correct digital market problems. These …