We are hiring! ICCL Procedural Rights Fellow

About the Fellowship

Recruitment is commencing for the ICCL and The Bar of Ireland Procedural Rights Fellowship. This nine-month Fellowship Programme is for early career barristers (years 1-3). The Fellowship will involve a barrister advancing a programme of research, policy and advocacy work in the area of criminal justice procedural rights, under the direction and supervision of ICCL. The Fellow will be part of the ICCL team for the period of the Fellowship and will have regular direct contact with the ICCL staff team. The duration of the Fellowship is nine months beginning in February 2022.

This Fellowship would build on the long relationship between The Bar of Ireland and ICCL and the mutual interest of both bodies in supporting the rule of law, and strengthening the protection of procedural rights in the Irish criminal justice system. The Fellowship will also reflect the Bar’s strong support for the administration of justice, civil liberties and the protection of constitutional and human rights.

A primary aim of the Fellowship will be the professional development of a barrister who intends to practice in the area of criminal law.

The focus of the Fellowship will be to support and advance ICCL’s programme of law reform and awareness raising around procedural rights in the criminal justice system, with an emphasis on relevant EU legal standards and their application to the Irish criminal justice system; as well as broader procedural issues within the criminal justice system, including effective access to legal representation, delays in proceedings, and reliance on pre-trial detention.

About ICCL

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties has been at the forefront of every major rights advance in Irish society for over 40 years. We helped legalise homosexuality, divorce, and contraception. We drove police reform, defending suspects’ rights during dark times. ICCL is Ireland’s leading human rights organisation. ICCL has worked to uphold digital rights for decades.

Programme of Activities

The Procedural Rights Fellow will deliver a programme of activities which will be set by the “Advisory Group”. THis programme will comprise a range of complementary activities which will form a major pillar of ICCL’s overall Work Plan, and will include:

  • Researching and drafting policy submissions, in conjunction with ICCL’s staff team and with practitioners and the professional bodies
  • Conducting research under specific research projects on the protection of procedural rights in Ireland
  • Contributing to ICCL’s advocacy aimed at Government, members of the Oireachtas and other relevant stakeholders
  • Co-ordinating and organising professional training events (CPD) in the area of procedural rights during the period of the Fellowship, which will contribute to the profession’s knowledge in the area
  • Curating a central repository of information about international standards on procedural rights (through ICCL’s website)
  • Maintaining ICCL’s links with Fair Trials Europe and other key partners at the European level – this may include travel and participation in events in Brussels and in other EU states


The Fellowship will be aimed at a junior or early-career level barrister (years 1-3), who would carry out the roles and activities of the Fellowship in parallel with continuing legal practice, developing specialist skills and knowledge in this area of law.

  • The position is advertised by the Bar of Ireland to its members. Only qualified and current members of the Bar of Ireland are eligible.
  • A recruitment panel will include the ICCL Head of Legal and Policy, an experienced barrister working the area of criminal law to be nominated by the Chairman of the Council of the Bar of Ireland, and an experienced solicitor also working in the area of criminal law to be agreed by ICCL and The Bar of Ireland.

Supervision and Structure of Fellowship

The Programme of Work for the Fellowship will be set by an “Advisory Group”, which will be comprised of the ICCL Head of Legal and Policy, a nominee of the Chairman of the Council of the Bar of Ireland, and an experienced criminal law solicitor to be agreed by ICCL and the Bar of Ireland.

The Programme of Work will be structured in a flexible manner to facilitate a practising barrister, but will also involve a minimum level of direct contact with the ICCL staff team. The Fellowship will be based primarily in the ICCL office (subject to public health guidelines and restrictions).

  1. The duration of the Fellowship will be nine months, beginning in February 2022.
  2. The Procedural Rights Fellow will be directly supervised by the ICCL Head of Legal and Policy. The ICCL’s staff policies will generally apply to the position.
  3. The Fellow will work with ICCL on a part-time basis, approximating to 2 days per week.
  4. This work will ordinarily be carried out at ICCL’s office (subject to public health advice and ICCL’s health and safety policy); with flexible work practices and schedules to be agreed between the Fellow and ICCL’s Head of Legal and Policy.
  5. An initial review would take place after two months of the Fellowship.
  6. There would be a facility to terminate the Fellowship on the basis of misconduct and/or where the Fellow does not retain their membership of the Law Library.

To apply

Please send an application, including cover letter and CV to Liam Herrick, ICCL liam.herrick@iccl.ie by 5pm Friday 21st January 2022.