Open call: Consultant to write Know Your Rights guide for international protection applicants

Please submit applications to with subject line ‘Consultancy KYR Rights of International Protection Applicants’ by 5:30pm, 5 October 2020.

ICCL and the Irish Refugee Council are seeking a paid consultant to draft a clear and accessible Know Your Rights guide for international protection applicants.

The Guide will aim to explain rights within the protection process, under the EU Reception Directive, and the range of broader rights under the Irish Constitution and human rights law that apply to everyone in Ireland. This includes civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights such as the right to protest, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right not to be subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment, the right to education and the right to earn a livelihood.

The Guide will outline the current law in a clear and accessible manner to empower international protection applicants to both exercise and vindicate their rights.

Full job description here: