ICCL is hosting a roundtable event on the Special Criminal Court in the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) offices in Dublin on Friday 7 July.
The event will provide a forum to discuss the recently published reports by the Independent Review Group into the Offences against the State Acts and the implications of the review process for the work of the Special Criminal Court.
To register for this event, email info@iccl.ie.
9.45am Registration, tea and coffee
10am Welcome and Introduction (Liam Herrick, Executive Director, ICCL)
10.10am Keynote Addresses
Reflections on the Independent Review Group Process
- Professor Donncha O’Connell, University of Galway, and member of Independent Review Group
In Context: The Independent Review Group Report from a Human Rights Perspective
- Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, UN Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights
- Sinéad Gibney, Chief Commissioner, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC)
11.10am Tea and coffee break
11.30am Panel Discussion
The Comparative Perspective: The Approach of Other Jurisdictions
- Doireann Ansbro, Head of Legal and Policy, ICCL (Chair)
- Professor Marie Breen Smyth, Independent Reviewer of National Security Arrangements, Northern Ireland
- Professor Liz Campbell, Monash University
- Dr Lawrence McNamara, York University
12.45pm Panel Discussion
Looking Ahead: How to Create a New Human Rights-Compliant Framework
- Liam Herrick, Executive Director, ICCL (Chair)
- Dr Mark Coen, University College Dublin
- Dr Alan Greene, University of Birmingham, Member of the Independent Review Group
1.30pm Concluding Remarks (Doireann Ansbro, Head of Legal and Policy, ICCL)
1.45pm Lunch
To register for this event, email info@iccl.ie.