Latest issue of Rights News now out!

ICCL was busier than ever in late 2020 and early 2021. We are incredibly grateful for the support of our members which allows us to campaign for human rights even during the most difficult times. We report to members twice a year with Rights News.

As the pandemic took hold again, ever-more stringent lockdowns came into force, with very little democratic process. ICCL was standing up for rights all the way through. Read about our appearance before the Special Parliamentary Committee.

Alongside that, we kept up our normal programme of work. We called out the Mother and Baby Homes Commission report for what it was – a failure to meet Ireland’s human rights obligations to all survivors. We’ve already lodged a complaint with the UN, and we’ll be following up.

And we are going after Real Time Bidding – the illegal online auction that allows our intimate information to be leaked to hundreds of data brokers every time we go online.

In policing, we demanded justice for George Nkencho, and we called for dangerous spit hoods to be banned.

We kept up our work campaigning for laws on hate crime and for fair trial rights. And we provided information to government on the state of Irish media, and on the right to die with dignity.

Thanks to our members. Your support means everything.