Dublin, 28 November 2019
On 2 and 3 December, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination will examine Ireland. Ireland has signed up to the UN Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and so it must periodically submit a report to the Committee and answer the Committee’s subsequent questions. You can watch this session online here.
ICCL contributed to what is known as a shadow report. It’s the alternative to the State version of events. The report was compiled by the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), of which ICCL is a member.
Here are some of the key observations we make:
There is a need for a more robust human rights structure around racism, to include a renewed and inclusive National Action Plan Against Racism.
The Migrant Integration Strategy published by Government in 2017 is welcome, but does not go far enough on anti-racism, and ignores the maturity of Ireland as a diverse society and our indigenous ethnic minority- Irish Travellers.
The Direct Provision (DP) system for supporting International Protection applicants remains largely without a legislative footing. We call on the State to close down the current system of Direct Provision and replace it with a regulated, planned humane asylum system which focuses on integrating asylum seekers into society.
We look forward to publication of the review of the Incitement to Hatred Act 1989 by Government which was promised in 2011. But new legislation is urgently needed to address hate crime and online hate speech. The increase in online hate speech in Ireland is a cause for deep concern.
The current housing crisis in Ireland creates enormous challenges for vulnerable migrant and minority communities who experience discrimination in accessing private sector housing, and often experience poorer housing conditions and overcrowding.
Read the full report here: