ICCL Expresses Disappointment at Lack of Investment in Human Rights Infrastructure in Budget


28 September 2022

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties has expressed disappointment that the government has chosen not to invest in areas identified by ICCL that would help protect and guarantee human rights in its Budget 2023.

Speaking following the budget announcement, ICCL Head of Legal and Policy, Doireann Ansbro, explained how its calls for sustainable and future-focused investment had been largely ignored.

ICCL sought a modest investment package of €8.6 million covering a range of human rights issues for 2023 and beyond. While we welcome some of the measures contained in the budget, such as the additional funding to the Legal Aid Board to provide legal support to individuals under the Assisted Decision-Making process, and the Courts Modernisation Programme, we were disappointed that most of our recommendations were not taken on board. As far as we can see, no additional funding has been allocated to the severely under resourced coroners’ service for staffing and no provision has been made for significant additional funding for the proposed expansion of the Inspectorate of Places of Detention, which will inspect policy custody suites for the first time under draft laws. This new expanded body is an essential component of the long-delayed Irish ratification of a key UN treaty preventing torture and must be properly financed.

One particular budget proposal that has raised alarm at ICCL is the proposed allocation of €3 million for body worn cameras for An Garda Síochána with no conclusive evidentiary base for their effectiveness and while the draft law that would provide for them has not yet been approved by the Oireachtas. Speaking on this, ICCL’s head of legal and policy Doireann Ansbro set out how:

Any technology that will vastly expand garda surveillance of our population must be proven to be necessary using real evidence and it must be provided for by law. Right now there is no legislative basis for the use of body worn cameras and we’ve seen no consistent and conclusive evidence that this invasive technology will  increase safety or improve police effectiveness.  We are very alarmed therefore to see that the Minister is now speaking openly about a €3 million investment in these cameras for Gardaí when a promised pilot project that might prove they are necessary and effective in Ireland has not, as far as we are aware, even commenced.

Another area of particular concern for ICCL is the plan for a “review of governance structures, staffing arrangements and processes” in the Data Protection Commission. Speaking on this matter, ICCL’s senior technology fellow, Johnny Ryan set out how a guarantee of the independence of any review is essential;

In our Budget asks, we very clearly set out how it would be essential that any review of the DPC should be carried out by an external third party. Having the DPC review its own structures and operations is completely unacceptable and a waste of resources. Any review needs to ensure that the DPC is fit for purpose into the future and not a box ticking exercise.

Similarly, ICCL’s call for a coordinated national education campaign on forthcoming hate crime and extreme hate speech legislation has not been answered with appropriate financing. ICCL’s Equality and Hate Crime Policy officer Luna Liboni outlined her surprise;

Legislation on hate crime and hate speech is one of the flagship policies for the Department of Justice, yet no allocation has been made to ensure that the public understand the laws. Some funding has been allocated by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to implement the National Action Plan on Racism, but this in no way addresses the scope of issues which the hate crime and extreme hate speech legislation will cover.



Read ICCL’s pre-budget 2023 submission “Investing in Rights here

ICCL is Ireland’s oldest independent human rights organisation. We monitor, educate, and campaign to secure human rights for everyone in Ireland.

For comment: Doireann Ansbro, Head of Legal and Policy

For media queries: grace.tierney@iccl.ie