ICCL calls for immediate removal of Hikvision cameras from Oireachtas

12 February 2023

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has written to the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission, the Office of Public Works and political party leaders to raise urgent concerns about the use of Hikvision surveillance cameras in Leinster House and Government Buildings.

This week the Australian government committed to removing Hikvision cameras from government buildings across the country, admitting there is a potential security problem that needs to be addressed.

Australia is not the first country to do so. The Scottish government has also removed Hikvision cameras from all government buildings. Denmark, the UK and the USA have all banned Hikvision and in 2021, the European Parliament also removed Hikvision cameras.

Speaking today, Dr Kris Shrishak, Technology Fellow, ICCL, said:

“Hikvision is implicated in grave human rights violations against Uyghur Muslims in China and there are also significant national security concerns associated with their use in Leinster House. It is clear we are out of step with our international colleagues in Europe, Australia and the USA, who are banning and removing these cameras from government buildings.

“We have written to the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission, the Office of Public Works and political party leaders as a matter of calling on them to urgently remove the cameras and associated equipment from Leinster House.”

According to Hikvision’s annual report, the company is contracted to operate Chinese state surveillance of Uyghur Muslims. This surveillance system operated by Hikvision targets Uyghurs based on racial attributes and flags them for detention at mass internment camps. The United Nations has stated that arbitrary detentions of Uyghurs may constitute “crimes against humanity”.

The Chinese Communist Party is a controlling stakeholder in Hikvision and investigations have discovered Hikvision devices report back to China.

The use of these cameras pose privacy, data protection and potential national security risks, as well as being linked to gross human rights abuses. ICCL believes they should be immediately removed from all Government Buildings.

Download letter (PDF)

Available for comment: Dr Kris Shrishak, Technology Fellow, ICCL

For media queries: ruth.mccourt@iccl.ie / 087 415 7162


Peter Finnegan,
Secretary General, Houses of the Oireachtas Commission


Leo Varadkar TD                      Regional Technical Group & Aontú
Micheál Martin TD                  Rural Technical Group
Mary Lou McDonald TD         Independent Technical Group   
Eamon Ryan TD                       Solidarity/People Before Profit
Ivana Bacik TD                         Seán Ó Fearghaíl TD, Ceann Comhairle, Dáil Éireann
Catherine Murphy TD             Senator Jerry Buttimer, Seanad Éireann Cathaoirleach
Roisin Shortall TD                   Maurice Buckley, Chairman, Office of Public Works         

10 February 2023

Hikvision CCTV and the Houses of the Oireachtas

Dear Mr Finnegan,

  1. I write on behalf of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), Ireland’s oldest independent human rights organisation, about the use of Hikvision surveillance cameras inside and outside the Oireachtas.

  2. The use of these devices on any Government premises raises two concerns:

    a. As explained below, Hikvision is implicated in grave human rights violations against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

    b. Further, Hikvision has been banned from several jurisdictions and institutions because of serious national security concerns.

Grave human rights concerns

  1. Hikvision’s annual report[1] attests that it is under contract to operate Chinese state surveillance of Uyghurs, which the United Nations fears are “crimes against humanity”.[2] By way of example, Hikvision facial recognition cameras monitor Uyghurs in almost 1,000 mosques in Xinjiang.[3] This surveillance system operated by Hikvision targets Uyghurs based on racial attributes and flags them for detention at mass internment camps.[4]

  2. The Houses of the Oireachtas Commission should not procure equipment from grave human rights violators. This applies to all State properties.

National security concerns

  1. We draw to your attention that the Chinese Communist Party is a controlling stakeholder in Hikvision.[5] This is significant because Italian investigators have discovered Hikvision devices reporting back to locations in China.[6] This was not an isolated incident: a separate investigation revealed that each Hikvision camera installed in Rome’s Fiumicino airport sent data 11,000 times per hour to China.[7]

  2. In addition to the risk that cameras inside the Oireachtas may be reporting back to China, security researchers regularly find new security vulnerabilities that allow hackers to seize full control of various types of Hikvision cameras:[8] Hackers can record what the cameras see and, potentially, what they hear.[9]

  3. ICCL has directly observed Hikvision cameras inside the Oireachtas Buildings and about its grounds. The cameras are positioned at locations where they can capture video of TDs, Senators and staff, and their private conversations. They may also capture what was said.

  4. The Houses of the Oireachtas Commission is therefore likely to be in violation of its duty, including under Section 42(1)(c) of the Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 to protect human rights of all service users. We also note that the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan specifies “safety and security” are a key focus.[10] 

Hikvision cameras in the Oireachtas

  1. Other jurisdictions have taken action. The Norwegian pension fund divested from Hikvision because of human rights concerns.[11] The Australian[12] and Scottish[13] governments have decided to remove Hikvision cameras from all government buildings. Denmark,[14] the United Kingdom[15] and the United States[16] banned Hikvision. In 2021, the European Parliament removed Hikvision cameras.[17]

  2. The Oireachtas welcomed Dolkun Isa, the President of the World Uyghur Congress, in February 2022.[18] The same month the Seanad accepted the findings of an independent report into the oppression of Uyghurs by China’s government.[19] But as Irish Senators condemned this discrimination, they were doing so in a building that is under the watchful eye of Hikvision cameras. Those cameras are still in use.

  3. Three questions arise:

    a. Did the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission, or the Office of Public Works, conduct the necessary security risk assessment, human rights risk assessment and data protection impact assessment of Hikvision cameras?

    b. If so, will those assessments be made public, in view of the acute security and privacy concerns associated with these devices?

    c. Will the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission now urgently remove all Hikvision cameras and equipment?


Dr Kris Shrishak
Technology Fellow, ICCL


[1] Hikvision 2021 Annual Report. 16 April 2022. See p. 326 for the list of projects in Moyu, Pishan, Luopu, Yutian and Urumqi in Xinjiang. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230201145709/https://www.hikvision.com/content/dam/hikvision/en/investor-relations/annual-quarterly-reports/2021/FY2021-Financial-ReportEV.PDF

[2] United Nations, China responsible for 'serious human rights violations' in Xinjiang province: UN human rights report. 31 August 2022. URL: https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/08/1125932

[3] Norwegian Government Pension Fund Council on Ethics, Recommendation to exclude Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd from investment by the Government Pension Fund Global.14 January 2020, p. 5. URL: https://files.nettsteder.regjeringen.no/wpuploads01/blogs.dir/275/files/2020/09/Hikvision-Recommendation-English.pdf

[4] IPVM, Hikvision Markets Uyghur Ethnicity Analytics, Now Covers Up. 11 November 2019. URL: https://ipvm.com/reports/hikvision-uyghur ; Also see IPVM, Hikvision Cameras Used to Catch Uyghurs Featured in Xinjiang Police Files. 14 June 2022. URL: https://ipvm.com/reports/xinjiang-police-files

[5] Center for Strategic & International Studies, Hikvision, Corporate Governance, and the Risks of Chinese Technology. 6 August 2020. URL: https://www.csis.org/blogs/strategic-technologies-blog/hikvision-corporate-governance-and-risks-chinese-technology

[6] RAI, L'occhio del Dragone. 10 May 2021. URL: https://www.rai.it/programmi/report/inchieste/Locchio-del-Dragone-91d2b796-2cb6-411f-a4ea-a261b6267396.html

[7] Decode 39, Beijing watching: why Hikvision is in the Italian spotlight. 21 December 2021. URL: https://decode39.com/2546/hikvision-italy-report/

[8] For example, see NIST national vulnerability database. URL: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/search/results?form_type=Basic&results_type=overview&query=hikvision&search_type=all

[9] Security Week. Many Hikvision Cameras Exposed to Attacks Due to Critical Vulnerability. 22 September 2021. URL: https://www.securityweek.com/many-hikvision-cameras-exposed-attacks-due-critical-vulnerability/ 

[10] Houses of the Oireachtas Service, Strategic Plan 2022-2024, p. 11.

[11] Norwegian Council of Ethics, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd. 18 September 2020. URL: https://etikkradet.no/hangzhou-hikvision-digital-technology-co-ltd-2/

[12] The Guardian, Chinese-made security cameras to be removed from Australian government buildings. 9 February 2023. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/feb/09/chinese-made-security-cameras-to-be-removed-from-australia-government-buildings

[13] The Times, ‘Dangerous’ Chinese CCTV cameras to be phased out in Scotland. 21 November 2022. URL: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/dangerous-chinese-cctv-cameras-to-be-phased-out-in-scotland-ntnh29m96

[14] IPVM, Danish Capital Region Bans Hikvision Purchases, Calls "Critical Threat To Security". 28 September 2022. URL: https://ipvm.com/reports/danish-capital

[15] Politico, UK bans Chinese cameras from government buildings. 25 November 2022. URL: https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-bans-chinese-cameras-from-government-buildings/

[16] Federal Communications Commission, FCC Bans Authorizations for Devices That Pose National Security Threat. 25 November 2022. URL:  https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-bans-authorizations-devices-pose-national-security-threat. Since November 2022, Hikvision devices are not allowed to be imported and marketed in the USA.

[17] 2019 discharge: EU general budget - European Parliament. Paragraph 73. 29 April 2021. URL: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2021-0165_EN.html

[18] Seanad Éireann debate, Vol. 283 No. 1. 22 Feb 2022. URL: https://www.kildarestreet.com/sendebates/?id=2022-02-22a.43

[19] Seanad Éireann debate, Uyghur Tribunal: Motion. 9 Feb 2022. URL: https://www.kildarestreet.com/sendebates/?id=2022-02-09a.132. See also Business Post, Senators in ‘full-scale mutiny’ over Uyghur report rejection. 13 February 2022. URL: https://www.businesspost.ie/politics/senators-in-full-scale-mutiny-over-uyghur-report-rejection/