Justice For Dara

Dara Quigley took her own life after CCTV images of her arrest while naked on a Dublin street were shared 125,000 times. The recording was held by An Garda Síochána. No individual or organisation has ever been held responsible for this catastrophic violation of Dara’s rights.

On Tuesday 1 December, the Oireachtas Justice Committee will examine legislation to outlaw the sharing of intimate or sexual images, moving or still. We need your support to make sure the media and general public hear about this too.

There are a number of ways you can raise your voice for #Justice4Dara:

1. Sign the petition calling on the Minister for Justice to take action.

2. Tweet your support using the hashtags #Justice4Dara and #EndIBSA.

3. Tell your friends, family and colleagues. Share media reports afterwards and help keep the pressure on.

Click here to read ICCL’s submission to the Justice Committee on Gendered Online Harassment.

We are grateful to our members, whose continued support makes work like this possible.