ICCL is calling for a YES vote to repeal the 8th Amendment
The ICCL supports the repeal of Article 40.3.3 of the Irish Constitution. In the 35 years since its insertion, the 8th Amendment has meant grave harm for pregnant people through the routine and systematic denial of fundamental human rights during pregnancy including, in some cases, the right to life. On becoming pregnant in Ireland, women** actually lose rights.
Over the past eight weeks, ICCL has highlighted a number of cases where the 8th Amendment resulted in violations of fundamental human rights. We focused on 8 rights in particular – the right to life; the right to freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; the right to freedom from arbitrary detention; the right to be free from discrimination; the right to adequate healthcare, the right to information about healthcare, the right to dignity in healthcare, and the right to privacy.
Many of the cases we highlighted were cases in which women were subjected to violations of several or even all of these rights. Click on the links below to read our explainers and case studies:
What is the 8th Amendment?
The 8th and her right to dignity. Case study: PP vs HSE
The 8th and her right to privacy: Case study: Amanda Mellet
The 8th and her right to information. Case study: Siobhán Whelan
The 8th and her right to equality. Statement on impact for migrant women
The 8th and her right to health part 1: consent during pregnancy. Case study: Geraldine Williams
The 8th and her right to health part 2: healthcare during pregnancy. Case study: Michelle Harte
The 8th and arbitrary detention. Statement from UN expert Frances Raday.
The 8th and her right to freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Multiple case studies.
The 8th and her right to life.
Until the 8th Amendment is removed from the Irish constitution, cases like these will continue to occur. Vote Yes to repeal it.
**Our references to women should be understood to include girls and people of all genders and none who may become pregnant.