27 February 2022
Young Plato has won the ICCL Human Rights on Film Award 2022. Directed by Declan McGrath and Neasa Ní Chianáin, Young Plato takes a refreshing look at the Northern Ireland conflict.
Set in Belfast’s Ardoyne area, maverick headmaster and Elvis fanatic Kevin McArevey and his team are determined to turn the fortunes of the students in their community around. Using the wisdom of ancient Greek philosophers, the boys are encouraged to think about and challenge the conflict and social problems that have hindered them for decades.

The six-strong jury also awarded a Special Commendation to Blerta Basholli’s debut Hive. Based on a true story, Hive tells the story of a woman struggling with fading hope following the disappearance of her husband during the Kosovan war.

ICCL’s Communications Manager Sinéad Nolan said:
“The jury loved the focus on the power of education of Young Plato, as well as how timely it was in the context of Brexit, as people’s lives and rights are once again affected by the geopolitical context. And with war breaking out in Europe, the jury reflected on how important it is to tell the story of the impact of war on women and others who are left behind.”
The ICCL Human Rights on Film Award celebrates outstanding achievement in raising awareness and understanding of human rights through the medium of film. Human rights are often understood as legal tools but film and other artistic disciplines can tell the story of how our rights play out in our everyday lives. The arts help explain the human rights vision for a better world.
Young Plato and Hive were chosen by a six-strong jury chaired by disability and LGBTQ+ rights activist Suzy Byrne. Suzy was joined on the panel by former journalist Vincent Browne, citizenship rights activist Emma de Souza, founder and managing director of First Music Contact Angela Doran, and filmmakers Paul Rice and Liam Montgomery.
The screening of Young Plato has already taken place but Hive will be screened on Monday evening.
Both films had stiff competition from four other films this year: Happening; Where Is Anne Frank; Vicky; and How To Tell a Secret. Details at 2022.diff.ie
For comment from jurors or media queries: sinead.nolan@iccl.ie
Suzy Byrne (Chair of the Jury)
Suzy Byrne is a disabled woman, activist and broadcaster. She is Chairperson of the ICCL Board of Directors and regional manager for the National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities. Suzy was co-chairperson of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) during the campaign to decriminalise homosexuality in 1993 and has also chaired the International Lesbian and Gay Youth Organisation. (IGLYO).
Angela Dorgan
Angela Dorgan is the managing director and founder of First Music Contact, a free information and advice resource for musicians and the independent music sector in Ireland. She is also the Chair of the Steering Group of the National Campaign for the Arts, a volunteer-led, grassroots movement that makes the case for the arts in Ireland.
Vincent Browne
Has been a journalist since 1968. He co-founded Magill magazine in 1977. He was editor of the Sunday Tribune from 1983 to 1994. He presented a late night current affairs radio programme on RTÉ for 10 years and a late night television fir TV 3 (now Virgin Media) for 20 years. He has been writing a biography of a political figure over the last few years.
Emma DeSouza
Emma DeSouza is a writer and human rights activist. She successfully reaffirmed the identity and citizenship provisions of the Good Friday Agreement by securing legislative changes to domestic UK immigration law. She works in the area of constitutional law and enforceable human rights protections in Northern Ireland. Emma is the Chairperson of the All-island Women’s Forum, Vice-chair of votingrights.ie, Leadership Coordinator at NWC and sits on the board of Directors of 50:50Ni. Her first book, on how individuals can challenge the state and change the law, is in development.
Paul Rice
Paul Rice is an award winning filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist from Ireland currently based in California. His debut feature A WORM IN THE HEART documented the struggles and triumphs of contemporary queer life in Russia and won ‘Best Documentary’ at both IMAGEOUT New York and Miami OUTShine. The film went on to screen at various film festivals such as SBIFF, CIFF, Visions Du Reel, Watch Docs, World Pride and had its Irish debut at the Dublin International Film Festival. He is also the Creative Director of Dreaming Magazine, Ireland’s queer arts and culture publication.
Liam Jackson Montgomery
Liam Montgomery is a writer and filmmaker originally from Wales (UK), currently based in California. As of 2018 Liam has begun creating queer short films that he writes and co-directs with his partner Paul Rice. His short film, ‘Snout’ has been part of official selections for various film festivals such as Another Hole in the Head, SF Indie Fest and received an honorable mention at the London International Comedy Festival. The film also won ‘Best Original Concept’ at the 2019 Videoscream Festival in Portland, Oregon.
The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) is Ireland’s oldest independent human rights campaigning organisation. We monitor, educate and campaign to secure human rights for everyone in Ireland.